Periodontal Associates of Jackson

Health and Wellness | Why Is Breakfast Important?

May 30, 2017 @ 01:08 PM — by Roger B. Parkes, DMD
Tagged with: Oral Health Casein Calcium Strong Teeth Tooth Decay

You probably hear it all the time: “Breakfast is the most important meal of the day.” Right? Well, this isn’t just a slogan designed to sell more eggs and bacon—it is a very true statement for your health. The team at Periodontal Associates of Jackson wants everyone to have, not only great oral health, but also great overall health as well. So, we want to share a few reasons why breakfast is so important to your health.

1) Breakfast will increase your metabolism.

Eating three meals every day will actually help to maintain a good metabolism. Many people will skip breakfast in an effort to cut out calories and lose weight. However, skipping breakfast will actually lower your metabolism and prevent you from shedding pounds. Additionally, eating breakfast will help you from overeating at lunch.

2) Breakfast will improve your energy levels.

If you begin each day with a healthy breakfast, it will give you carbohydrates to burn throughout your morning and increase your energy levels. Additionally, eating breakfast will help you from eating too much at lunch and experiencing that two o’clock crash.

3) Breakfast will provide you many vitamins and nutrients.

Breakfast foods are a great source of many vitamins and nutrients that your body and immune system need. For instance, oatmeal contains beta-gluten which will help in lowering cholesterol. Additionally, if you eat fruit at breakfast, this can be an excellent source of vitamin c, folic acids, and fiber. 

One food combo that we recommend at breakfast time is yogurt and fruit, Yogurt is high in calcium and also contains casein. Both of these things will help keep your teeth strong and healthy.

Do you need a periodontist?

If you are in need of periodontal care, dental implants, or oral surgery, the team at Periodontal Associates of Jackson want to welcome you into their comfortable and friendly office. To schedule an appointment, contact us at our office in Jackson, MS.