Periodontal Associates of Jackson

Oral Hygiene | Avoid Bad Breath (Halitosis)

Apr 19, 2017 @ 09:00 AM — by Roger B. Parkes, DMD
Tagged with: Bad Breath Halitosis Oral Hygiene Dental Hygiene Oral Health

80 million.

That is number of people who suffer from bad breath (halitosis) in the United States. That number represents anywhere from 35% to 45% of the population. 

Do you know what causes bad breath?

It is not simply bad luck that your breath stinks. There are actually several triggers of bad breath. One of the most common triggers is leftover food particles in your mouth after you complete your oral hygiene routine. To eliminate bad breath, try brushing your tongue along with your teeth, gums, and roof of your mouth. 

As we learned in our last blog post, another major trigger of bad breath is periodontal disease. The bacteria, plaque, and tartar associated with gum disease is a common trigger of bad breath. Gum disease allows even more plaque, tartar, and bacteria to build up in your mouth.

To eliminate, or minimize, bad breath, try the following:

Maintaining routine dental appointments is also critical in maintaining fresh breath. Routine dental visits will remove plaque and tartar build up from your teeth and gums.

If you have gum disease, and believe this could be the cause of your bad breath, treatment is available. Contact us today at our office in the Jackson, MS area