Periodontal Associates of Jackson

All-On-4 Dental Implants

Aug 1, 2016 @ 03:14 PM — by Roger B. Parkes, DMD
Tagged with: Implants Dental Implants All On 4 Implants Cosmetic Dentistry

Tooth loss is extremely common amongst adults in the United States. In fact, approximately 35 million adults suffer from not having all their upper and/or lower teeth. If you are an adult living without teeth, or know one, there is hope. Many adults opt to have All-On-4 dental implants restorations done by their dentist in order to restore their smile. 
What are All-On-4 implants you ask? 
All-On-4 implants utilize four implants in order to support an entire upper or lower denture. All-On-4 implants utilize the bone you already have in order to support your new teeth without any bone grafting.
Why All-On-4 implants?
All-On-4 implants have an extremely short recovery period and a very high success rate at 98.5%. Additionally, receiving the All-On-4 implants is cost effective when compared to comparable procedures. Often times your new smile is fully functioning in just 24-hours. In addition to these benefits there are several other advantages listed below:
- Replaces removable dentures and messy adhesives.
- Utilizes existing bone and does not typically require bone grafting.
- Helps to protect the bone moving forward.
- Easy to take care of.
- Long-lasting results if properly maintained.
If you are interested in learning more about the All-On-4 implant procedure please contact us today. If you would like to receive more information like this please follow us on Twitter and Google+ and like us on Facebook.