Periodontal Associates of Jackson

Healthy Foods for a Healthy Mouth - Part 1

Apr 15, 2016 @ 07:50 AM — by Roger B. Parkes, DMD
Tagged with: Oral Health Food Teeth Whitening Teeth Stains Tooth Decay

Maintaining good oral health is important to your well-being, and one way to keep our mouths healthy is with the food that we eat. If you're hungry, here are a few healthy options to consider: 
Pineapples - Thanks to a Bromelain, a enzyme that breakdown proteins, pineapples can help remove stains from your teeth and keep them clean and strong.
Celery - The stringy, fibrous nature of celery means allows it to clean your teeth as you eat it. Since it requires a lot of chewing, it also causes your mouth to generate saliva, which washes away plaque.
Carrots - Thanks to Vitamin A, carrots are already good for your eyes, but this sweet, crunchy treat also stimulate saliva production which helps to keep your teeth clean.
For more food suggestions, check back for our next post, and be sure to follow us on Facebook and Twitter