Periodontal Associates of Jackson

Junk Food and Your Oral Health

Jan 21, 2016 @ 02:44 PM — by Roger B. Parkes, DMD
Tagged with: Junk Food Oral Health Gum Disease

Although junk food can be a treat every once in while, these foods will lead to severe oral health problems that can eventually effect the rest of your body. Many people do not realize that our oral health and overall health are linked in several ways. At the office of Periodontal Associates of Jackson it’s very important to us that we help our patients live healthy lives.

As we all know, large amounts of sugar can cause cavities and increases your risk for gum disease. Having gum disease can also cause a systemic inflammatory response which can increase your risk of heart disease and other inflammatory conditions as well as weaken your bone structure.

Confectionaries and fizzy soft drinks contain copious amounts of sugar. Candies, sodas, flavored waters, energy drinks, and sports drinks are also loaded with high fructose corn syrup. This makes them very high in calories and low in nutritional value. 

These sugars are not only bad for your teeth but also unhealthy for your body.

Don’t be fooled by ”diet” drinks which have high acid levels that contribute to the breakdown of your tooth enamel. You can greatly increase your oral and overall health by simply limiting your consumption of these food items

Visit the American Dental Association for more information on proper oral health.

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